It turns out the Cremaster Cycle / De Lama Lamina screenings in Seattle that we previously reported are part of a wider theatrical release of Matthew Barney's films via International Film Circuit. The films are currently slated to be screened in four U.S. cities: Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, and Boston. International Film Circuit's web site has more information on the venues and dates. After opening in these cities, the Cremaster Cycle will tour across the country over the summer and fall. If you are interested in hosting the films, rental rates (35mm prints) are surprisingly reasonable, starting at $500 per film.
Cremaster Fanatics should note that Matthew Barney will appear for a Q&A session at the screening at the IFC Film Center in New York on May 19 [Note: The date has been changed -- Barney will now be speaking after the 7 pm screening of Cremaster 4 and 5 on May 20]. Also, sadly, the press release states that the, "Epic Masterwork is Not Now Nor Will it Ever be Available on DVD".
Well... not DVD.... but how about BluRay?
I think "Not Now Nor Will it Ever be Available on DVD" includes BluRay, as well.
First, this is fantastic news! I will be counting down the days to see it on the big-screen..
Second, I guess he would rather people enjoy the fuzzy, low-quality bootlegs of "The Cremaster Cycle" (which are now easily attainable), rather than release them in all their true glory, with great sound and visuals on dvd? Ugh. C'mon, Mr. Barney! Hell, they're even up on YOUTUBE right now! Okay, I'm done ranting. :)
fuzzy low quality? give me a call..
You know Paul, yes, that isn't precisely the best way to see the cicle, but now that i think of it, there's some mistic quality related to the dificulty to find these movies (i'm in mexico, they only brought them 4 years ago on a international film festival) that makes the bootlegs like a holy object... and some of the bootlegs have IPRESSIVE quality... But it's almost like an urban legend "hey hey, you know what? i know this guy who got the entire cremaster cicle on DVD!" "no way!!"
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