Cremaster Fanatic Paul, who previously designed a level for the PlayStation 3 game Little Big Planet based on "The Order" sequence from Cremaster 3, has created a new level for the game based on Cremaster 1.
Paul tells us that he plans to create levels based on all five Cremaster films. Once completed, he will incorporate all the levels into an area called The Cremaster Cycle where you start with Cremaster 4 and complete and unlock the levels in the same order the films were released. On the Cremaster 3 level there will be a hidden key which will unlock "The Order" level. Keep reading the Cremaster Fanatic blog, and we'll inform you as the other levels are released.
If you have a PS3 and the Little Big Planet game, you can search for Paul's Cremaster-themed levels on the community page and play them yourself (Paul's PSN username is "fluxlasers"). We've included a video of the Cremaster 1 level below: