Head Cremaster Fanatic Eric Doeringer will be showing his Matthew Barney Paper Dolls in the Three Years and Counting exhibition at TART, 47 Lusk Alley, San Francisco, from September 14 - October 12. Visitors to the gallery can pick up a free paper doll (including outfits from Barney's roles in The Cremaster Cycle) to color and cut out. If you can't make it to TART, the paper dolls are also featured in the first issue of the Cremaster Fanatic Fanzine. We still have a few issues left for $5 postpaid. Email info (at) cremasterfanatic.com if you want to buy a copy.
Eric will also be talking about his work, including CremasterFanatic.com and The Matthew Barney Show, at the Whitney Museum in New York at 7 pm on September 28.
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